Saturday, December 22, 2012

Roaches Spotted September versus October

I've lived in this apartment for ten years and have generally only had about five or so roaches a year, but I had an infestation this past summer. I'm not sure why or how, though I suspect it may have been the lack of a harsh winter. It's been a pain trying to get rid of them.

In early October I took a vacation, left the apartment for a while, left no dirty dishes in the sink. I was wondering whether the bugs would proliferate without my active presence looking to kill them or if they would die off without my constant feeding of them through cooking meals and such. It looks like it was the latter. (The x axis is the day [1st day of survey in September versus 1st day of survey in October, etc.], the y is the number of roaches.) Since October, I've only found about one per week or so, still higher than I'd like.

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