Saturday, March 9, 2013

Estimated Time from First Contact to Phone Number

I'm not one to pick up phone numbers from women quickly or easily. Most of my contact with women is online, since I try to date largely within my church--and that is scattered, with women few and far between. So I thought I'd think about women I was interested in whose phone contact information I've gotten and how long it took (the y-axis represents the number of weeks, the x-axis represents the particular woman):
A lot of this delay is my own (note how, in the above, sometimes women ended up giving me the phone number without me asking), but often the women themselves delayed--I asked, but phone numbers weren't in the offing, at least not at the first request. In general, I think I've taken too much time to ask (if I'm interested, I should just move to phone and meeting as soon as possible), but interestingly, even exorbitantly long times of knowing someone have not always yielded a phone number right away.

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